Henry Farell

In unraveling my way of locution,
Now known to her, my interpret of love
for the spring rains;
A passionate redeem, she mention
Is now the spirited gain; that which drains

Through the silvery illumine aglow-
Reflecting the sunless ocean of azure sky,
Upon the tarry of the twilight…her sow
With kind memories of me: O’ could this be a misidentify

Of love; of her infatuated heart-
Intensified of my illustrative inking?
O’ I be of care! if that which she impart
Bears vehement truth, in its airing:

My friend, only you… know how shy my heart is…in wary
Of love, and its trait of deceit;
Yet! it is roused, deftly heartened….as it rally
With the prospect of her embrace; be it: ✍️

H Farrell @ W.I 17:05:20
(All Rights Reserved)

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